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The world around us fascinates me, as it is filled with so many wonders, stories and surprises. If you take the time to explore and to listen, you’ll be rewarded with the glittering wings of a butterfly, a bird’s song or with discovering an inconspicuous rare plant. In between the wind, the deep blue of the ocean and the light falling through the leaves we can all feel that we’re just a tiny little piece of a much bigger picture.


I've always loved painting and did my master's in biodiversity and ecology in 2020. Creating nature inspired illustrations, I am now combining my passion for both, creativity and nature. Currently I'm living in southern Germany, next to lake Constance. Feel free to email me at or join me on Instagram @sophiadrescher.illustration for updates on the latest projects and more.


My clients and publishing partners include Verlag Urachhaus - Grätz Verlag - Acufactum Ute Menze - Waldow Verlag - Ceres Heilmittel 


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